Tuesday, June 4, 2013

About Me, Pillow

Warning: I'm not a very interesting person, so this is going to be a pretty boring blog post.

First off: Hi!
For the fun of it, I decided to not use my real name!
It makes everything more mysterious.
So.. my name's Pillow and, if you haven't guessed it already, I'm a girl.
I know, I know, the nickname Pillow is weird - maybe even funny.
My friend gave it to me a long time ago because he couldn't think of a nickname that matched my name, so he gave me one to match my personality.

So why Pillow?
His reasons were that I'm comfortable and cuddly like a pillow (well, pillows don't cuddle you, but you cuddle pillows)
Wait.. the reasons above say nothing about my personality..
There's more to the story, but I don't want to get into it; I already talked too much!
Moving on.. I don't really have many hobbies or interests.
I enjoy getting to know people and doing things indoors, like watching movies or playing video games.
Anything else, I can give it a try! I like new adventures.
Feel free to suggest anything!
My goals in attending GCC are pretty simple: I need credits
I was recently at UA, majoring in Pharmacy, and I didn't take an English class, so now I have to make up for that!
I transferred to ASU this year, and I'm majoring in nursing now - except I need to take English 101 and English 102 to get into the nursing program.
My goodness this is boring!
If you're still reading, congratulations! I even bored myself with all of this!
Hope you're awake enough to leave a comment!

- Pillow


  1. Hi Pillow!

    It's okay to be boring. My father is always telling me that life in general is pretty boring. Therefore, it's important to keep your imagination alive, like kids do.

    - Kate

  2. That wasn't boring at all. Your personality is shown, and my interest in you, and what you have to say, increased. Looking foward to seeing you again.
